If you have ever wondered, "What would Michael Gray think about this-and-that" or "I'd like to consult Michael on such-and-such" then you have definitely come to the right place. These are my thoughts on life.

October 02, 2004

The Art of Writing

"What, are you working on your book?"


"I find writing very gratifying. I must -- I've written
seven books on my years at the helm."

"Well, you've obviously got a great knack for fiction."

My Fellow Americans

Well this is my very first blog entry on my very first blog site. I am dedicating these pages to the art of the written word. I love writing. I communicate best through writing. I feel that non-oral communication can oftentimes be more effective than listening to two people talk over each other in conversation. This is a medium for me and others to promote ideas, discuss interesting topics, and basically have a place to vent if the need ever arises.

I want this site to be multi-faceted. I am very interested in politics and, because we are in a peak political season, I will likely spend some time on that topic. I do, however, wish to try to juggle many different genres of discussion.

I may spend one day lamenting the fact that I had to hear another one of John Kerry's mind-numbing flip-flops, and spend the next day lamenting about my mind-numbing dog chewing up one of my flip-flops. I may write on a Sunday about the practice of religion and how I find some people's practice of their faith relatively ridiculous, and then write on Wednesday about the Disneyland fan cult I am trying to organize.

No matter how you look at it, this should be an interesting place. A place where people can express ideas. A place where people can come for a laugh. A place where clothing is entirely optional. This is my dream.


Blogger Jason M. Hammond said...

Don't fall into the trap;
Democrats are full of crap.

-My Fellow Americans

The neat thing about this particular post, Michael, is that you allow us to read or post a comment 'just as we are.'
You called out the white elephant within the net...that we should be allowed to view and surf this "blog" without clothes.
Conveniently, I am not wearing a thing. And I'm at work.

See, I'm fortunate to not only work at a nudist company, but to have friends like Michael, that allow me to view and post comments on their "blog" without wearing any clothes.

Life is grand, ain't it!?

1:53 PM


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