If you have ever wondered, "What would Michael Gray think about this-and-that" or "I'd like to consult Michael on such-and-such" then you have definitely come to the right place. These are my thoughts on life.

October 29, 2004

Who will lead? How about the U.N.?

This is part three of a series of articles
written by or responded to by me.

This response was submitted to the West Valley View in reply to my previous article entitled "Who will lead, if not America?" (posted below). I find this gentleman very respectful, very well-spoken, and very wrong. While I can appreciate this man's conviction and resolve, I can't help but fear for America's sovereignty as more and more people begin to take viewpoints like these. This man's worldview is very clear. He would rather be ruled by an organization that appoints and recognizes Lybia as the head of the Human Rights Council than by an authentically good, religious Texas cowboy.

"Let man solve man’s problems"

To the editor:

While I certainly do not believe that it would be apropos to enter into a protracted debate with Michael Gray in the “Letters to the editor” columns, I must confess that if I were to debate any person, I would much prefer it to be Mr. Gray, or somebody of that caliber.

Mr. Gray’s approach to discussion is civilized, urbane, honest and rational. If everyone chose that approach to debate, this would be a much nicer world.

With that in mind, let me respond to some of Mr. Gray’s — largely just — criticisms.

I do not believe that only those with Judo-Christian values “Trample the world in the name of dispensing God-given freedom.” But, I do believe that the fanatics of every religious persuasion seek to justify, instigate and promulgate wars on moral grounds. As for a better solution to resolving disputes between nations, Sigmund Freud said it best: “There is but one sure way of ending wars. That is the establishment, by common consent, of a central control which shall have the last word in disputes [between nations].”

I have long argued that only all of mankind — working together — can solve the common problems of mankind.

Fortunately, as I pointed out in my essay: “Novo Ordo Seculorum: A New order Is Born,” more and more of Earth’s peoples are coming to realize that mankind must re-examine the philosophical precepts … to acknowledge that instead of uniting mankind, religion tends to fragment and alienate peoples into hostile and warring camps.

Mankind now stands upon the threshold of a bright new world of peace and prosperity for all. The door is ajar. All that we need do is to push it open, step through and slam it shut forever on hate, bigotry, superstition and fear.

C. Victor Gabriel


Blogger Jason M. Hammond said...

I needn't be so respectful.

This humanistic, "let's create a One World Order", "I like to use big words that people won't understand so I can make myself seem smarter" guy--is a jackass.

He clearly can't see that the world CANNOT agree on one set of morals, or one set of behaviors, because people are naturally SINFUL...and therefore they enjoy controlling and killing other people.

Ignorant people like this guy, while under the guise of intelligence, make me sick.

Of course he doesn't realize that some day, and I fear some day soon, this "One World Order" stuff he suggests, will happen--and as we Christians know--this is a sign of the End Times.

Bring it on, b*#@%.

2:04 PM


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