If you have ever wondered, "What would Michael Gray think about this-and-that" or "I'd like to consult Michael on such-and-such" then you have definitely come to the right place. These are my thoughts on life.

November 16, 2004

Green Army Man

This is a really cool poem that I came across as I was randomly surfing the blog sites. This was written by Hugh in Dallas, Texas (who he is, I do not know). In order to fully give this man credit for such an imaginative poem, you can link directly to his site by clicking here.

If you were anything like me as a kid, I think you will find this a good poem:

Green Army Man

In a place where the sun
Doesn’t reach anymore
Sits a green plastic soldier
Who’s ready for war

With canteen and pistol
Molded onto to his side
He’s ever-alert
No desire to hide

With bazooka at ready
Waiting on bended knee
He peers through the scope
With nothing to see

His comrades were moved
Quite a long time ago
He was left and forgotten
Or at least he thinks so

'Til commander returns
He’ll remain at his post
But it’s the not knowing
That gets him the most

The seasons they come
And the seasons they go
It’s hot or it’s cold
But he doesn’t know

On guard, ever waiting
He sits motion free
In the crook of a branch
On a withered oak tree

Poised and patiently waiting
For something to blast
He wonders how long
His war’s gonna last


Blogger Hugh said...


I'm glad you enjoyed the poem, and I'm happy for you to use it. Thanks for giving me credit on your page.

Yes, I do teach 3rd grade here in Dallas. I couldn't imagine doing anything else.

7:54 AM


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