If you have ever wondered, "What would Michael Gray think about this-and-that" or "I'd like to consult Michael on such-and-such" then you have definitely come to the right place. These are my thoughts on life.

February 28, 2005

The Job is Stressful, but at Least the Salary Stinks

Wow, I love blogging so much but I haven't done it for ages!

This time of year for a teacher is death-on-a-stick. I am more than half-way through the year with state testing breathing down my neck, and the students are now comfortable enough with me to act up more often. I swear, if some of these kids weren't so cute, I might engage in child abuse! You hear from time-to-time about mothers who get so frustrated with their children that they go berzerk -- well consider for a moment the fact that I deal with 27 kids for 5 days a week.

I really enjoy teaching, but am getting a little tired of the fact that my day never changes. Sometimes it is fun to be able to play a part in molding a child's future, but other times it bores me. I wish my job had regular creativity time built into it. I love doing what I call "projects" but never really get a chance to do them at my school. This is not to say that I am not given extra curricular activities at work because I have them coming out my ears. The problem with extra curriular teaching activities is that the are still teaching activities. Yawn.

If I ever do have the energy/money/leftover mental facilities to engage in a project over the weekend, it only makes my need for projects more pronounced. I am a builder. I like to create. I like using my imagination. I am a teacher with a Disney Imagineer's heart. If I had even an ounce of engineering capability, I might pursue that as a job.

I'll be honest, if the Disney Corporation was not in God-forsaken, laughably-expensive California, but closer to me, I would be part of that company in an instant. I think it would be fun to spend my summers just working at one of the parks. Unfortunately, pursuing my "enjoyments" costs more money than teaching will ever yield to me.

If any one of my thousands of blog readers is a Disney Executive and is looking for someone who loves the business of creating atmosphere and memorable experiences, give me a call.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Michael Eisner. I was just perusing the internet, and I found your blog. I was quite interested in what I read.

Very soon, I fear that I will be out of a job. At least that's what a lot of people are saying.

I'd love it if you could take over control of the Walt Disney Company--maybe you can do what I have been unable to do--bring respect and quality back to the Disney name.

Look for my head on a stick within the next few months.


2:37 PM


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