If you have ever wondered, "What would Michael Gray think about this-and-that" or "I'd like to consult Michael on such-and-such" then you have definitely come to the right place. These are my thoughts on life.

March 28, 2006

Bienvenido a Los Estados Unidos!

Please allow me a quick disclaimer:

I am not a racist. Those who know me well can attest to the fact that I treat people fairly and make no judgments based solely on a person's skin color. I teach young students of all shapes, sizes, colors, and cultural backgrounds. I do my best to view people in terms of behavior, never race.

Great way to start a blog entry huh? I just wanted to say that upfront because the things I am about to say frequently get responses by non-critical-thinking people as being racist. That sort of response is generally an excuse for not wanting to seriously consider the issue at hand.

I was driving to Gilbert last Friday to drop my tax documents off at my tax guy's office. I noticed that the I-10/202 transition was slammed because the 24th Street exit was closed due to a large group of protestors marching up toward Camelback Road. The protestors were marching for civil rights for illegal immigrants. The group of about 20,000 people were specifically protesting a bill from the House of Representatives and were headed toward the office of Senator John Kyl to express their displeasure (why they chose to picket Kyl's office is beyond me -- he doesn't support the bill in question).

After I got home, I turned on the news to see the crowd of protestors chanting (mostly in Spanish) and waving flags (mostly the flag of Mexico). It struck me as odd that a group of people who were wanting special rights for illegal immigrants in America, would proudly fly the Mexican flag during their demonstration. If I didn't know what was going on, I would have thought that Mexican citizens were demonstrating outside government buildings in Mexico City.

My views on illegal immigration aside, I have a big problem with people who would go through great lengths to escape from their country, and then get here and give honor to that same country by flying their flag on American soil. It boggles my mind. If they see America as a land of great opportunities that their country cannot give them, then why not fly the flag of the Unites States during the protest? I could respect that more.

The true problem, in my opinion, is the insane push for multiculturalism. I have decided that


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well spoken. After seeing the "rallies" last week, and hearing what most of these people (especially the High School kids) believe, I would be up-in-arms too. Unfortunately, they have been fed a bunch of propaganda. They are under the impression that all Mexican people are going to be sent back to Mexico (Like anyone wants to send them all back). What people need to realize is the right and wrong way to get noticed. Trying to "cripple" our economy by staging protests is not exactly the American ideals that our forefather immigrants founded our country on. I have great respect for those who wish to better themselves and their families by coming to America to be productive members of society, but those who don't should go destroy another country (because I'm quite happy in the US). As a sidebar, how is their action not considered racist? If I staged a protest against Mexico for trying to destroy our economy, I would be on the 6:00 news, as the #1 example of how racism is tearing apart this nation. What's the deal?

10:02 PM


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