If you have ever wondered, "What would Michael Gray think about this-and-that" or "I'd like to consult Michael on such-and-such" then you have definitely come to the right place. These are my thoughts on life.

March 21, 2006

My name is Michael and I am an addict

Heidi and I try very hard to not watch very much TV, but we have our five or six favorite shows that we try to catch each week (is that a lot?).

For some reason when I think to myself, "Today is Monday," I get excited because I know that King of Queens is on at 7:00 on CBS. Kevin James is just hilarious and for some reason, I laugh harder at that show than any other. Don't judge me.

Tuesdays, we have The Amazing Race (CBS - 9:00). Years ago, people were saying that reality TV was just a fad and that it would never last. Well this show has lasted and is one of the most creative shows I have ever seen. I would love to go on it, but I'm not sure Heidi and I would travel well together for such a long period of time. We are not good tired people.

Wednesdays are Bible Study nights, so the TV is never turned on.

Thursdays is CSI at 8:00 on CBS (the original, not Miami or New York -- we like Gil Grissom). This show is probably our favorite of all time. We even have a dance (more like choreography really) that goes with the music. Whooooooo are you? Who who? Who who?

Fridays used to be Super Nanny on ABC, but that show moved to Monday as well. Do not get this show confused with stupid Nanny 911 on Fox -- that show is like Marry Poppins from hell. Those ladies are lame. Super Nanny Jo Frost actually has a plan for making kids behave. As teachers, we see great value in her service to the parenting community.

And Sundays are Americas Funniest Videos and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (Heidi likes Ty a bit too much, I think). AFV is hilarious to me because I still get this juvenile kick out of seeing kids bitten by geese, brides dropped on their heads by their drunken new husbands, and old women trying to use a pogo stick. Priceless.

I know other people who are into Scrubs or 24 or Desperate Housewives, but we watch the ones above. If you would like, please weigh in on you top three favorite TV shows. I'd love to hear what other people get into. I don't really have the time to get into any other shows, so you are going to need to really convince me that your show is worth it.

This concludes our broadcast day.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jared and I have come to a conclusion: we would save a lot of money if we all just shared a house. After all, we have the very same tv viewing schedule that you guys do! I think that's 90% of the battle, right? We, too, love CSI (the original only), Super Nanny, AFV and Extreme Home Makeover and Amazing Race. So, I guess with the exception of King of Queens (which I have only seen on westbound Delta flights from Frankfurt, Germany), our viewing habits are perfectly compatible. Wow. We might be losers.
Love, Erin

8:37 AM

Blogger Michael Gray said...

If that were ever to happen, you would be required to like King of Queens. Not watch it -- like it. Then I think we could work out some sort of an arrangement.

You know what? You're right. We might be losers.

7:41 AM

Blogger Jason M. Hammond said...

Television is an anomaly. Is that how you spell anomaly? I think I could be a better speller if I didn't watch so much TV as a kid. As it is, I think my brain is dead. I love the CLICK at the end. Your homages to Jim Carrey are priceless and very exciting to me.

11:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you noitice that we watch a lot of CBS...hopefully some "big wig" down at the CBS studio likes to look at peoples' blogs, and he checks this one out, and sees that we watch his station all the time...then maybe we could get free cable (or just any cable that goes past channel 23), and maybe even a digital recorder, then we could REALLY get into watching TV?? That would be cool huh?

1:04 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Channel 1's no fun
Channel 2's just news
Channel 3 is hard to see
Channel 4 is just a bore
Channel 5 is all jive
Channel 6 needs to be fixed
Channel 7 and Channel 8 just old movies not so great
Channel 9's a waste of time
Channel 10 is off my child
Wouldn't you like to talk awhile?

This is a cute poem by Shel Silverstien, I teach it too my kids every year, hopefully is gets their little bums off the couch and talking to someone!

1:08 PM


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